Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 4 - Swan Lake Hike

We spent our last full day visiting the Colter Bay Village. The GTNP has several areas or "villages". We have been staying at the Jackson Lake Area. The Colter Bay Village has tent and RV camping, so it attracts a lot of families with children.

Our plan was to drive to the campground; buy stuff to make lunch at the general store (bigger than McQuades); and then go on a park ranger led hike. We arrived in time to listen to a park ranger give a talk about elk antlers. She was wonderful. We bought provisions to make PB and cheese sandwiches and made two. Then explored the area a bit and ate our lunch by the Bay.

We joined the group waiting for the hike. About 25 people with about one-third children. Ranger Duffy showed up, introduced himself. He was an Army Ranger (with leg tats) and has been a park ranger for a year. Originally from Long Island, NY. He gave all the kids jobs ... One girl was the map reader, one boy held the compass and was to tell us what direction we were headed, another kid was the counter - she would count people on the hike,and make sure we didn't lose anybody. The last two boys were supposed to collect 26 pebbles, put them one pocket and count each time their left foot touched the ground, when you reach 70 move one pebble to an empty pocket.... Well you get the idea. I said he was an Army Ranger.

The children were all entranced by him. And we all had a wonderful 3 hour hike. Of course, I took many photos. Here are several...





That's just a sample. Tonight is our last night at Jackson Lake. Tomorrow we drive thru Yellowstone, maybe I'll take just a few photos, arrive at my sister Miriam's in Livingston, MT.


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